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In NYC Bloomberg wants to ban sugar-filled drinks larger than 16 oz

By Steve McGough / May 31, 2012 /

We are from the government and we are here to help you. You have no idea what’s good for you to eat or drink, and you’ve obviously failed at the “freedom of choice” experiment, so New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (RINO) wants to take the choice away from you.

No Frisbees on the beach! Fine raised to $1,000 in LA County

By Steve McGough / February 9, 2012 /

Goodness grief. If you plan to head to LA County beaches in the summer, you best leave the football, Frisbee™, and other dangerous objects at home. The Southern California Save Volleyball Alliance (lobby) was able to get volleyballs exempted from the mandate.

Not the Onion: Texas school to photograph kids’ lunch trays – count calories

By Steve McGough / May 12, 2011 /

More nanny state crap promoted by and funded by the federal government. I am so sure the Founding Fathers envisioned spending tax dollars on a program to make a digital record of calorie intake by each grade-school kid under the temporary care of the government.

Obama’s science adviser John P. Holdren – Implanted microchips for all

By Steve McGough / February 25, 2010 /

I don’t have time to get into this piece in detail, but how would you feel about an implanted microchip that connects you with an online government database with all of your health record information … required since it’s for the “general welfare” of the United States?

Tanning bed lobby loses to big-plastic in health care tax revenue battle

By Steve McGough / December 24, 2009 /

I’m figuring the local gyms and tanning salons who provide the sun-baked look to those pasty-white college girls in Minnesota don’t have much of a lobbying force in Washington D.C. The Senate dropped a 5 percent tax on cosmetic surgery, only to replace it with a 10 percent tax on tanning services. What will the…

Free cars for welfare recipients – now with AAA!

By Steve McGough / May 7, 2009 /

The Commonwealth of  Massachusetts has a program providing automobiles to welfare recipients – including taxpayer funded insurance, auto repairs and a AAA membership – as an incentive to get them to go to work and stay off welfare. Granted, these are not new cars, but the program costs the commonwealth more than $400,000 per year…

I’m For Universal Health Care If …

By Jim Vicevich / February 3, 2009 /

My sister is a very bright woman. An AUSA, Corporate Attorney and Law Professor, not to mention a small “l” libertarian I am pretty sure, although I could be wrong. So when she sent me this e-mail I decided to read it word for word. She is a genius. Jim, My thoughts on universal health…

Who Is John Galt?

By Jim Vicevich / January 29, 2009 /

And so it begins. With the passage of the porkapalooza the dependency on the state begins. Jefferson warned, Rand reminded … and the Democrats have made permanent. So who is John Galt? If you need to ask … for you it may already be too late. httpv://

Nanny State: USPS stops stamp production, unsafe child behavior

By Steve McGough / October 10, 2013 /

The first lady has a problem. Her “Just Move” campaign included a series of US Postal Service stamps picturing kids involved with various sporting activities. They are destroying a bunch of the stamps due to safety concerns.

Federal government may require back-up cameras in cars by 2014

By Steve McGough / February 28, 2012 /

It happens rarely, but when it does happen it’s tragic. The government estimates about 100 lives per year will be saved and up to 8,000 injuries could be prevented if all vehicles had back-up cameras. How they determined half of the deaths would be prevented with government-mandated back-up cameras, I don’t know, but the mantra from…