Posts Tagged ‘Mitt Romney’
Ukraine vs Russia, Obama vs Romney & Palin video clips
No real time to write about Russia’s encroachment (invasion) into the Ukrainian state of Crimea, but I figured I’d post these video clips for review since I find them somewhat interesting. Let’s look back to yesterday’s Krauthammer comments and the 2012 election.
Read MoreRomney picks Paul Ryan for running mate UPDATE:take the poll please
UPDATE (Jim): please make sure you take our poll. It will be interesting to see how you all vote, given your support for Senator Rubio last Friday Meet America’s Comeback Team. This morning, it’s confirmed presumed Republican candidate for president Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) as his running mate. What do you…
Read MoreCNN fact checks Obama Ad that claims Romney responsible for death of steel worker’s wife/ yeah, not so much
I thought we pretty much disassembled this ad yesterday with the Kimberly Strassel article over at the Wall Street Journal which you can find here. But last night on CNN’s The Situation Room, their staff went a step further, making this the most despicable ad so far in this campaign. But wait my little mobsters,…
Read MoreMSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell with a Superiority Complex? Update: No apology
Andrea Mitchell was certainly the talk of the town today. With her edited comments that she played on her MSNBC show with regards to Romney and the Wawa sandwich making machine. It just seemed like one big joke to her. Today she attempted to put it all in context with an extended clip BUT, no apology. In fact…
Read MoreFlorida Results: Mitt 47%, conservatives 45%
Even if Gingrich or Santorum pulled out of the race prior to the Florida primary, and all of their votes went to the other, Mitt Romney would have still won Florida by a couple of points. If you’re of the belief Gingrich and Santorum represents the conservative point of view … what does this tell us?
Read MoreDid Gingrich pack the debate audience with supporters in South Carolina?
If Gingrich’s camp is going to come out and explain last nights loud audience support for Romney was a clear indication the organizers “packed the room” with Romney supporters, Romney should fire back implying Gingrich “packed the room” with his own supporters in South Carolina.
Read MoreObama and DNC targeting campaign ads against Romney in Florida
This is a bit interesting, and a prime opportunity for some speculation. I finally fixed my RSS reader to catch up with Power Line’s blog, and caught this from yesterday. We’ve got a lot of liberal and DNC advertising money dumped into Florida targeting Romney, not Gingrich.
Read MoreMitt Romney has big problems with 2nd Amendment advocates
Will he be willing to listen and learn since he might be representing all of America instead of just the liberal Commonwealth of Massachusetts? Of course he supports the 2nd Amendment, what the heck else is he going to say? But it is his actions – or inactions – as governor of Massachusetts we should…
Read MoreRomney “parks millions” in offshore Cayman Island accounts – So what?
Class warfare 101 as expressed by the main stream media. As someone who has actually owned an offshore bank account, I’m offended by the biased attack tossed at Gov. Mitt Romney concerning his own bank accounts in the Cayman Islands. (That is what it is all about right … being offended.) ABC News followed the…
Read MoreRomney’s communication issues – He himself refers to Romneycare
First off, I’m not “in Romney’s camp” and I’m just making an observation. Did anyone else notice GOP candidate for president Gov. Mitt Romney referred to Massachusetts’ health care legislation and law as “Romneycare?”
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