Health care mandates result in 18% premium increase in Connecticut

All across the United States, health insurance companies like Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Connecticut are meeting with state insurance regulators about premiums. During the past couple of weeks, Anthem proved to Connecticut state regulators an average 18 percent premium increase reflected the requirements of federal health care mandates and increased provider costs.

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Connecticut not backing Democrat health care legislation

From a poll released yesterday by the Yankee Institute in Hartford, we find Connecticut likely registered voters oppose current legislation in the House and Senate to reform health care by a margin of 51 percent to 34 percent. I thought Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) was telling us Connecticut voters wanted this legislation?

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Schwarzenegger and Bloomberg whack Obamacare

Trouble in paradise? Is this just the begnning of state and city blowback on the Nelson payoff. Hmmmm? Is it? The countries two best know Republican liberals are already pushing back against the Senate/ House/ Obama Health bill that they know will cost them plenty. Period.

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