Posts Tagged ‘la times’
Obama tells Latinos “He’s not a king”. AP at Hotair: Nope, more like a Duke … coronation must wait. UPDATE: Video
The hubris might anger some but not me. I find it all very amusing. Knew slapping fun actually. Awesomely bombastic? He, let’s not go that far. Does Obama have a high opinion of himself? Sure … it’s just been dialed back a bit on the “royalty” meter.
Read MoreL.A. Times holds Obama video close
Last night during Jim’s fireside chat, we discussed Obama’s friendship with Rashid Khalidi, a quasi-spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization in the late 1980s. In the liberal university and college system here in the states, he’s also known as a leading Palestinian scholar and activist. He comes into the forefront this week for two reasons.…
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