Health insurance number one story of the day – clear bias

Talk about a left wing conspiracy. The main stream media mysteriously released more than 200 stories about the lack of health insurance in a 24 hour period. Someone, somewhere is coordinating the effort and the media is in lock step with their agenda. Doug Ross at his DirectorBlue blog puts the story together for us.…

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Free products and services equal unlimited demand

I’ve been meaning to write a post concerning “free” goods and services. What happens when the government – or any other group – comes in and offers something for a very low cost or free? I’ve found three events that will show us what happens when you offer stuff for free or at super-low cost,…

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The True Cost of Employee Health Benefits

During World War II, companies were having a tough time finding well-qualified employees due to wage and price controls. Salaries were artificially kept low, and to solve the problem employers began to offer benefits including health and life insurance, better pensions, and more vacation time to attract employees. As time went on, employees began to…

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