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Krauthammer on Hobby Lobby – Media lies will help Democrats

By Steve McGough / July 2, 2014 /

Yup. Charles Krauthammer is right. I’m not sure that I have ever seen such wide-spread media bias in my lifetime. The 16 news headlines and ledes I documented on Monday were just the tip of the iceberg, and the faithful are swallowing the meme whole … the mean guys on the Supreme Court are taking…

Hillary Clinton lies about Hobby Lobby SCOTUS ruling

By Steve McGough / July 1, 2014 /

Here is the full, in-context video of which Jim featured portions of on the big radio show today.

News media & liberal sites lying about Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision

By Steve McGough / July 1, 2014 /

The number of people claiming the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS case denies the “rights” of women is alarming. The Facebook posts are out-of-control and completely out of context. People should take the time to read and understand the case Hobby Lobby brought against the government and stop lying about the SCOTUS decision and the case.