The housing bust, de ja vu

The housing market collapsed in 2008.  Depending upon your political persuasion, we either got there because of greedy bankers, or because the federal government (i.e., Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) lowered credit standards.  Apparently, your government is urging a repeat performance.

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SEC charges former Fannie and Freddie execs

On Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission brought civil fraud charges against six former executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  The complaint charges that the executives knowingly misled the public concerning the extent of subprime and Alt-A (a step above subprime)  mortgages that they held.

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The $640,000 question

Yes, I am old enough to remember the quiz show, “The $64,000 Question”.  Of course, that was back in the day when $64,000 was a fortune.  Recently, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac spent 10 times that amount sending 100 employees to a “mortgage conference.”  I’m not entirely sure what those things are, but, let’s put this in…

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Don’t worry … we’ll deal with Fannie and Freddie next year

Anyone even casually following the financial crisis, precipitated by the burst in the housing bubble which was inflated by sub-prime mortgages (low interest, no interest, no money down mortgages sold to people with sub prime credit), should know that “ground zero” in this entire meltdown was the quasi government banking institutions Fannie Mae and Freddie…

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