Posts Tagged ‘Chris Matthews’
Ukraine vs Russia, Obama vs Romney & Palin video clips
No real time to write about Russia’s encroachment (invasion) into the Ukrainian state of Crimea, but I figured I’d post these video clips for review since I find them somewhat interesting. Let’s look back to yesterday’s Krauthammer comments and the 2012 election.
Read MoreNewt goes after Chris Mathews – What kind of racist thinking do you have?
I really don’t think Newt Gingrich should have been smiling during this exchange. He should have called it just like it was and be serious and diligent with Chris Matthews about his obvious issues. Get mad at Matthews for his idiotic opinion … call him out … conservatives should not take this crap.
Read MoreMatthews complains, questions Obama’s political strategy (Video)
In this interview, MSNBC talent Chris Matthews critiques the Obama campaign’s strategy as they continue to – supposedly – stay out of the election and keep their collective mouth’s shut providing no plan for their second term.
Read MorePat Buchanan: Obama the beneficiary of affirmative action?
Oh, brother. When will it end? Okay I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request, it’s just that Chris Matthews loves setting this trap because it keeps him and other lefties from having to talk about what a miserable job President Obama is doing. Buchanan wants to know why Obama won’t release his grades? And the…
Read MoreYour Matthews moment: Praises an “old SDS guy”. Gives unions free plug.
Hey, it’s his show. But why would you praise the SDS? What decade are you living in? And what does this say about the left? Read on my little mobsters.
Read MoreVideo shocker: Matthews says he doesn’t think Democrats want to stop illegal immigration
OK, not so much a shocker because … well, it’s true. But Matthews, reverting to his early talk show host form, takes a shot at the Democrats progressive agenda for 2011, and illegal immigration is the eye of the impending storm. Says Matthews, “I don’t trust the Democrats when it comes to stopping illegal immigration”.…
Read MoreThe “Birthers” get a big push from … Chris Matthews? UPDATE: More Matthews UPDATE 2: I believe
OK … that’s just a cheap headline to get views … I think. Matthews spent his entire first segment with Clarence Page and David Corn discussing the recent push by Hawaii’s new Democrat Governor to finally get the young President’s long form birth certificate into the public domain. The idea is to end the controversy…
Read MoreCollege kids to Chris Matthews: Hey, how about the government helping pay my college loans? UPDATE
Want to know what will get the kids out to the polls? Promise them the government will pay off their college loans. Free, free money. The Nanny State continued.
Read MoreMatthews advises POTUS to TOTUS: you’re fired brother
Horrifying! TOTUS has been there for this guy at some of his worse moments, and yet he has hung in there. Trip on a syllable, no problem. TOTUS kept rolling. Stumble on an market economy point you never quite understood, TOTUS did. Now Matthews wants him gone. Oh the humanity.
Read MoreAmending the 14th Amendment: Culture of hate?
Well if you listen to the left, it’s because you would be a racist. This post gives the precise reason for amending the 14th amendment to the US Constitution and the left’s crazy, lunatic response. Once again raaaaaaaaacist.
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