Making the Affordable Health Care bill more affordable

Only the federal government, in general, and, Sen. Dodd (D. Ct.), in particular, could try to pull this one off with a straight face.  When Americans gasped at the cost of the “affordable” health care bill (some $1.6 trillion), the administration saw the chances of it passing drop precipitously.  So, Sen. Dodd, and democrats on the…

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Food Police: How many calories are in that olive?

And, does it matter whether it is a black olive, or a green olive?  Luckily, we’ll soon find out.  Given the obvious, clear cut dangers to our health posed by salad bars, the Affordable Health Choices Act being pushed by Sen. Dodd (D. Ct.) will come to our rescue.  This proposed legislation provides, Section 403(q) of…

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National Oral Health Surveillance System

At this point in my wanderings through the “universal health care bill” being pushed by Sen. Dodd (D. Ct.), I thought a bit of levity might be in order. Either that, or my brain has turned to mush at only page 376 of this svelte 615 page proposed bill. Oral hygiene is certainly a good thing. …

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Mr. President, read the health care bill, Part II

My earlier post explaining that you will not be able to keep your health care plan even if you like it, brought a good question from several readers. It concerned the “tax” that will be imposed on you if you do not participate in a “qualified plan”.  Remember, that’s the tax designed to “enhance participation”…

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President Obama, read the health care bill

You will not be able to stay with your current health insurance plan. I’m still slogging my way through the mind-numbing 615 page  “Affordable Health Choices Act” being pushed by Senator Chris Dodd (D- Conn.), so this is likely to become the first in a series of posts dealing with the issue.  But, as “keeping your…

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Dodd: Another day … Another dollar – Update: Video

Well it seems that Kevin Rennie was correct. It seems I was correct. It seems your better instincts were correct. That Irish cottage that the senior Senator bought for a song with the help of his financial friends is worth just a little bit more than he had disclosed. OK … more than a little…

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Uh Oh … Dodd stops the bleeding

Well, could it get any worse for a Democrat in a blue state? Based on why most people in Connecticut dislike him, I would expect he is far from rehabilitated. Dodd, who has served in the Senate for close to 30 years, trails Simmons, 45 percent to 39 percent, the poll found. However, those numbers…

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Obama on the evils of credit cards

We used to say the company that gets a union deserves a union. On Friday the President outlined the reasons behind the new credit card legislation and I can’t say that I disagree with many of the things he says here … whacking people who pay on time with higher rates to boost profits may…

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