Posts Tagged ‘Andrew McCarthy’
Andrew McCarthy: Obama & the Crits
Up at 10:35 a.m. ET on the big radio show… Andrew McCarthy.
Read MoreMcCarthy: The Grand Jihad – How Islam and the Left Sabotage America
I’m thinking Jim should have our friend Andrew McCarthy on this week during the big radio show, but here’s a precursor video overview for you, narrated by Bill Whittle.
Read MoreLiz Cheney goes after the “GITMO 9”
We tackled this subject a week ago, with people like Andy McCarthy and Michelle Malkin among the few who have tried to apply pressure to Justice to release the names of the 7 (2 names have already been released) of the attorneys at Justice who previously had volunteered their services to al-Qaeda detainees. Now Liz…
Read MoreWhy Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law?
This one probably escaped the notice of everyone except the most keenly aware. Count our friend Andrew McCarthy as one of those. McCarthy notes that President Reagan, in 1983, afforded protections to INTERPOL, much like those afforded Diplomats. But Reagan, understood that some protections needed to be withheld, and he did. Specifically, Interpol’s property and…
Read MoreFort Hood: Prepare to be infuriated
Our good friend Andy McCarthy reveals the shenanigans at Fort Hood continue in the name of what, political correctness, sensitivity? Just weeks after an Islamic terrorist guns down 13 people, 12 soldiers, it’s the US Army that’s getting the lecture on political correctness? It’s been brought to my attention by several reliable sources that the…
Read MoreMcCarthy – Obama’s civilian trials set back war on terror
Andrew McCarthy, leader of the prosecution team who convicted 11 terrorists in civilian court – and frequent guest on the big radio show – discusses the journey to convicting Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and other terrorists in civilian courts.
Read MoreCato Institute and Andrew McCarthy on Monday’s show – Update: Podcast
UPDATE: Here’s a link to the Andrew McCarthy podcast. We talked with him about the Holder Justice Department’s approach to terrorist prosecution. It will anger you I am sure. And here’s the link to the Cato Interview with Michael Cannon interview at Cato. Mike explains while yes, health care costs, your costs will go up,…
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