Symptom of the Disease
Local budgets depend on state and federal grants for larger and larger portions of their funding. State budgets depend on federal hand-outs even more so. Soon, those grants become unfunded mandates. The finger is pointed at the federal government for leaving states and communities high-and-dry as politicians demand even more money to replace lost funding.
This – for lack of a better term – is our disease. Our politicians in Washington are rated on how much money they can steal from the residents of other states to be redistributed back home. This continues while most of you don’t even know the names of representatives on your town’s finance committee.
The following posts are from our Symptom of the Disease category, and these symptoms (posts) can easily referred back to our country's disease.
The IRS thinks it’s OK to ask conservative and libertarian groups hundreds of questions, yet they ignore Senate Finance Committee questions posed concerning how the department put into place policies targeting groups including local TEA Party organizations.
President Obama’s political party – the Democrat National Committee – will not repay millions Duke Energy provided to help pay for the September, 2012 Democratic convention in Charlotte, N.C.
As I have said before, this is now a full-blown, full time industrial complex that puts big dollar salaries into the hands of many people and is a huge financial boost for media and television.
What scum. And let me point out if this guy was a Republican I’d be calling him scum too. These are the benefits you get from “friends” when you’re a United States senator. Pure corruption.
This is the disease. As you head for the polls this morning, I want you to think about the state of our union. Over the past five-plus decades we have allowed our freedom and liberty to be taken away from us in favor of central planning. For some reason, state after state, and voter after…
I really should get back to my Symptom of the Disease series. If Jim and I were to write a book, we’ve discussed this as a topic. Kind of a mesh between Mark Levin’s Liberty & Tyranny and Michelle Malkin’s Culture of Corruption. One leads to the other. Anyway…
Wynton Hall over at Big Government points to a Washington Post article posted online yesterday detailing earmark projects that benefited property and business owners who happened to be congress-critters who either sponsored or voted for the earmark.
On this day of the Florida primary, more details are surfacing concerning Newt Gingrich’s interesting relationship with Freddie Mac. You might call the relationship incestuous, but it’s not lobbying and it seems to be perfectly legal. Instead of historian, call him a team motivator.
For some, it makes a big difference. I’ve been spitting out tax statistics that people have been shrugging off for years, but I had a revelation earlier today. It does not matter. It’s just another Symptom of the Disease.
At the risk of “screwing” with the vice president, I’m going to call him out. He’s playing dirty politics using scare tactics and a curious use of statistics to again bolster the president’s job [killing] bill, while supporting the statist agenda. Consider this post part of my Symptom of the Disease series. Can you guess…