Obama: I’ll be a one-term president if I can’t get this done in three years
Three years ago today, President Obama let America know we should be seeing progress within one year – with some lingering pain. But he does not get it “done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”
Hat tip to Sweetness & Light, who reminds us Obama told us we need to be patient.
We’re still waiting.
Will America be patient enough to give the president a pass on his own promises and hold him to his prediction? The video…

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Yet another promise to be broken.? Unless we help him live up to it!
I wonder how much less debt the country would have if he were a half term president?? A no term president?? 😉
Where is a no confidence vote when you need one?
Ha, Ha. He lied. Ha, Ha!
Why should we believe him about being a one-term president when he is spending $60+ million getting trying to get reelected. He has been campaigning since he was immaculated! Another example of his DoubleSpeak. His promises are worthless!
Someone earlier suggested we have a ?bama Lemon Law.
Dims, this guy has to be our, history’s worst U.S. president. Move over, Jimmy.
No argument here.
“….a one term proposition”, can we call this Proposition 2012? $15 Trillion debt and rising daily…..Thumbs Down!
Anyone who supports this clown has their head so far up their own butt that they can see out of their own mouth.? That’s why you see so many people with unusual posture here in New England!
As I ask anyone, “Do you want FOUR MORE YEARS of THIS?”
Our only saving grace is that inflation is almost nonexistent.
Then vote him out. Isn’t this what you have been waiting to do since he was elected?
Not so much since he was elected, but since he started screwing up, which is not a significantly different time frame.
Sammy, obviously you are not going to aid the president in fulfilling his promise. Question is , why not. Why won’t all the Obama followers/supporters take him at his word and hope for a different president to have a go at it. He didn’t live up to your expectations, did he?
Too bad he couldn’t have been a zero termer… the most effective recruitment tools conservatives have are liberal policies.
In hindsight, I wish the GOP had fielded a better candidate than McCain, who represented the OLD way of doing things and a VP candidate the liberal jackal media, unfairly or not, portrayed as being unworthy. McCain was described as a representative of that ancient Vietnam War. He just didn’t get any traction.
The libs put forth a young, glib candidate, who spun a web of fiction that resonated with the American electorate (suckers). He also used the race card subtly to his advantage. He had no substance, just a lot of promises, and we know what those are worth.
No, GdaviH, Pres. Obama has not lived up to my expectations.
Then try someone else. Or do you really believe 4 more years of this administration will live up to your expectations? Personally I fear an Obama who no longer needs to please the voters. If you know what I mean.
He has exceeded mine.? In the downward direction.? I guess I hoped he would live up to at least a few of his promises or the expectations that were contrived around him.
Fool me once…
I join GDavidH, the Presidential Race is such a toxic dump of media hypocrisy. The Main Stream media is not happy until they have stripped every shred of decency from the candidates. They write about imaginary sins and imaginary racial bias. Who in their right mind would run? So we have a meglomaniac as a President because the nastiest of the nastiest survive. It would help if the saner people like you Sammy would help put up a decent man/woman to run for the Democrats. At least, it would take some of the thuggery out of the 2012 campaign.
Don’t forget that the media is scrambling to squeeze every possible detail out of the candidate’s past (and some non candidates, like Rubio, with “fake but accurate” stories), unlike what they did, and continue to do for ?bama.
If they can’t dig it up, they will make it up.? Unless it is a Democrat.
Yes, of course. You notice how I wasn’t pointing fingers at the MSM for supporting Obama and MSM did not do the same for President Bush when he ran the second time.? Oh well, I failed again.
Methinks the Right has been exceedingly busy for some years digging up fabrications about Pres. Obama, i.e. he is a Muslim (not) and he was not born in the US (he was).
“Fabrications” deliberately perpetuated by a president that wants to continue to widen the divide, as the phrasing goes.? It is easy to make fabrications when there is no proof to dispute the allegations, and you can make your opponents look nutty simply by withholding the pertinent documents.? I mean, seriously, why would ? refuse to release his birth certificate?? Like right now, I can say anything I want about his grades in school, who paid for it, how he got in etc., because ?bama is pleading the Fifth Amendment about it.
Meanwhile, back at the media ranch, the same media that can’t even find out what books ?bama read before the election is doing a figurative rectal exam of the Republican candidates (and future candidates: Rubio).
The Right would have to stop digging if the papers were just released. President Obama could just stop the whole conspiracy by releasing his grades and the full documentation of his birth.? He does NOT. Why? Is it because his handlers don’t want us to know he never went to class or he got all D’s or are they just playing “Head Games” or ……I won’t make the comparison again that the Press Berated W for years because of his grades.
One can HOPE for CHANGE (and I include most of Congress in that hope?which is?party-neutral).