Like I said last week … just what we need is another ethics panel because its sooooo hard to determine just what is ethical. (Kudos to the Courant)
Great column from Kevin in the Hartford Courant. I have trouble just getting people to show up for my birthday … and I am not even charging them … and the food is free. But then again …
OK … my bad … a little lax in posting but it is the holiday season.
As you know, I know more than just a few women soldiers … my friend and Iraq War Veteran (and married) Melissa stands out … but there’s Jess too and others. Smart, brave and beautiful Well as Glenn Reynolds notes … Connecticut has no monopoly. Check out Miss Utah.
“It’s like explaining the difference between a Buick and a BMW. Both get you from here to there, only the ride is generally smoother and more fun.” USA Today Since I will never own a real BMW (I prefer my Wrangler) … it’s nice to know I own the BMW of computers … USA Today’s…
No … not that way. It seems the media doesn’t have much interest in “The Quagmire” anymore. “After the massive coverage that our setbacks in Iraq received from the mainstream media, one would expect that success would at least receive equal treatment. (No, actually, I didn’t, but bear with the rhetorical argument.)” Check out Captain’s Quarters.
“Can we just skip past the primaries and get on with an open-field general election so a new president can take over next month?” Couldn’t have said it better myself. Read Philip Klein.
The smoking police, the food police and now the Starbucks Wi-Fi police. Congress passed a piece of legislation that defies explanation. Be afraid …. be very afraid. “This is stupid, unworkable, and betrays a deep ignorance about how these things — especially wi-fi spots — actually work. Which makes it a fit product for this…
Here’s video of the speech and the text as well at Powerline. Thanks to Scott Johnson for being on the show today. My Point on this is pretty simple. I find it amazing that a candidate has to give this speech in America today and wish he had not … but that’s done and over with.…
The headline reads “Cheney Blasts Top Democrats” … but Powerline gets to the essence.