Some of you may be fans of radio host Michael Savage, but I can’t let his totally incorrect information concerning the facts about George Zimmerman’s firearm – a Kel-Tec PF-9 – stand.
Years ago when the global warming team realized the globe was not warming, they made a dedicated and complete marketing campaign change. They changed their tag line from global warming to climate change. Again, this was a marketing decision. Instead of heating up, the world would experience more extreme weather. Not even that is happening.
In the real world, people actually take a few minutes to review proposed legislation instead of blindly accepting the opinion of someone else – and broadcasting that third-party description on your TV program. I guess Bill O’Reilly does not live in the real world.
By request since everyone is asking for it!
After the media’s breathless run up to the election of Pope Francis, it seems that they taken upon themselves the task of scrutinizing his past. They are examining everything from his childhood, his education, his role in resisting the Argentinian military dictatorship’s “Dirty War” back in the late seventies through early eighties. One story from the…
Why do I keep demanding retractions and corrections from media outlets? I’m giving up, they won’t listen and even if they do correct the error they make the exact same error in the future. Journalists don’t know everything, editors are supposed to know more, but the profession is being dumbed-down day-by-day.
Where are all the protests? Oh yeah, this is an Obama World where the current administration is not bothered by the media or liberal protest outfits as they continue or greatly expand policies of past administrations that were highly ridiculed at the time.
A recent radio ad from Milwaukee Counties Sheriff David Clarke suggests people should not depend on law enforcement to be there right when you might need them. The NBC Today show freaked out a bit concerning the suggestion to arm yourself.
Last night, Ben Shapiro – editor-at-large of of the group – took on CNN’s Piers Morgan on the gun control issue. Morgan really is a bully, refusing to have any sort of meaningful discussion with Shapiro, but that was not unexpected. I have not seen Shapiro in this type of role before, and I…