Just to clarify: Minnesota is OPEN, I checked myself
After reading all of the headlines proclaiming the state of Minnesota was closed, I had the opportunity to travel to the Land of 1,000 Lakes and check it out for myself.
I was able to fly into the Minneapolis St. Paul airport, rent a car, buy a bottle of water, check into a hotel, make a phone call on my cell phone, have dinner at a restaurant with Ed Morrissey and his wife, have a drink at the hotel bar, double check to ensure there still was a Minnesota Twins baseball team – they’re 41 and 48 in the AL Central – send a couple of text messages, connect to the Internet, watch a few minutes of the local news, get a wake up call, take a hot shower, buy breakfast, buy another bottle of water, connect to the Internet again, attend a six hour meeting, eat the provided lunch, buy some gas for the rental car, buy dinner, and get back on a plane bound for home.
Everything seemed open to me.

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But…there were no state government workers there to look out for your best interests.? How did you survive the torment!!!
Just goes to show how much gubmint we really need…Or don’t need.
I remember a bunch of years ago we went on vacation in Wildwood NJ when the state of NJ was “shut down”. We had a great time, but could not go to the zoo for some reason ( the zoo is owned and run by the county). And yes…They still took my money?on the Garden state Parkway.
Can I get Massachusetts shut down?
Lucky for us, none of us is Minnesota state employee.
I can’t wait until they shut Corrupticut down.
In the news today: beer in Minnesota is about to disappear from store shelves because the Miller et al cannot get licenses due to the government shutdown.
Way to take something out of context Sammy! Tell the whole story about “choosing” which state employees should stay on the job. The people who issue the licenses got furloughed, but not the people who enforce the regulations. Half and half probably would have worked but it’s better politically for the dem governor to let the shelves run dry and blame the repub congress.
and this…
http://hotair.com/archives/2011/07/14/breaking-dayton-caves-will-call-special-session/ ?
It’s better? to think that all is well in Minnesota, as the post tells us.