It’s here! Basil Marceaux’s first campaign ad
Much more awesome than I even imagined. Don’t be scared. Go ahead. Watch it.
There’s really nothing here that Basil didn’t say before. This is just in a “slicker”, more Madison Avenuey, format. And just think … he said he would be Governor of any state if he could fix it.
Hat tip, not just to AP at Hot Air for pointing it out. But I totally missed the misspelled vegetation in the graphics. Or, I mean vegitation. Totally awesome.
Here’s the best part of the Kimmel interview from Red Dog Report. Take note Bay Staters and Connecticans.

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Jim, great post.
Is it me, or is Basil on the "it's noon somewhere" diet?
Jim, did you get the link to The Colbert Report piece on Basil I sent you? OMG, it's hilarious! Enjoy it!
I think he has a better grip on reality than Pete Stark. He is certainly more coherent. Given the vitriol filled commercials flooding the Connecticut market right now, he is a much nicer guy too.
Omgosh!! I love this guy!! I'm tearing up right now!! I think most Americans feel like they don't have enough credentials, education, knowledge, family ties, etc to run for office…and here's a regular guy who just loves his country, is sick of the garbage that's going on, and has the guts to do something about it!!!! He's got more common sense than all the politicians put together!!!! Go Basil!!!! Go Basil!!!!
You know his delivery is quite similar to Obama's when the teleprompter isn't working.
why does BARNEY FRANK come to mind?????