On Wednesday evening, the President appeared on NBC to respond to the outcry of people who have now learned that they can keep neither their doctor nor their private insurance under Obamacare. Let me remind you what the President said on Wednesday.
A provision in Obamacare would collect a fee from health insurance companies and third-party administrators (TPAs) of administrative services only (ASO a.k.a. self-insured) group health plans, to fund a reinsurance program to help “stabilize” premiums available through the exchanges. A significant number of unions are self-insured. Unions were pissed they had to pay this fee…
Over six people served…
The day before the federal website went live, they were completing a routine stress test on an implementation environment and they were only able to handle 1,100 users “before response times get too high.”
We missed the point. We missed it over-and-over-and-over again. We just don’t understand. You see, there was this other promise that we made, and if we did not lie to you about the second promise, we would have been lying to you about the first promise which was more important. Got that?
When it comes to health care news, I think Barbara, Jim and I could write and talk about “we told you so” topics for a month straight. Back in Nov. 2009 – four years ago – I referenced a Wall Street Journal piece out how the upcoming health care doctor shortage and noted the problem…
Originally, the Affordable Care Act had a provision (the Grassley Amendment) that would put members of Congress into the federal health care exchanges. Grassley’s intent was for member to keep their employer coverage provided by the federal government, but require they choose from the same choices others have on the exchanges. That got screwed up…
When will this page from the White House website be scrubbed? Today it reads “If you like your plan you can keep it and you don’t have to change a thing due to the health care law.”
Is the CBS Evening News somehow surprised by this revelation? When you mandate policies include coverages that were not included before, the costs will go up. The video is after the break.
Nobody has been or will be fired. There really is no benefit for Obama to fire Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, because – in his mind – he does not care what anyone thinks. And remember, this game plan works fine with the “we have to move to a socialized medical system in…