I visited this morning to do a search and found the administration actually had a countdown clock on their home page. It looks like they are giving everyone 16 more days to sign up…
This is just the tip of the iceberg of Obamacare problems folks, and it’s going to get worse. So far, physicians and other health care providers can not be required to participate in any specific health care insurance plan. They have the option to say “no thank you” when it comes to any plan that…
The plan was – and still is – they need huge support from the young crowd who do not have employer-sponsored health insurance to buy into the state or federal exchanges. The goal for the first year was to have 2.8 million enrolled (out of 11.4 million), but total signups are only at 1.1 million…
Mary Katherine Ham over at Hot Air notes the Obama administration’s health care team does not seem to be tracking the number of people without health insurance, or the number of previously uninsured who now have coverage. You would think the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) would consider that to be an important…
“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Those were the specific words President Obama and hundreds of other politicians used to sell the Affordable Healthcare Act. They were lying, over-and-over again. Now, when good people like Julie Boonstra tell their story, they are…
I received what follows from a golfer friend of mine. Of even more interest was that my friend is, well, not exactly a conservative. Even if you are not a golfer, please read on.
… to solve the problems created by the Obama administration and Obamacare. Back on Dec. 6 I wrote about the provision in Obamacare that might leave doctors and health care providers in a position where they are told a patient has coverage, but they end up not getting paid. Now, but Obama administration is pressuring…
We were led to believe Access Health CT was a shining example of what was going right with the health care insurance initiative, but it turns out 2,400 enrollees were provided incorrect information about the plan they selected during the month of October. Some signed up for no-deductible plans that ended up having a $3,000…
From the New York Times no less! When you offer low premiums, generally there is a higher deductible involved. This is nothing new, but the grand marketing campaign that is the Obama administration hid – on purpose – the deductibles associated with insurance policies on the federal exchange … until two weeks before the deadline.
Really? I just don’t know what to say anymore. Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel said you can have your doctor, and nobody is stopping you from paying more to have your doctor. (Yet.)