He Is Risen! Alleluia.
“By dying you destroyed our death … by rising you restored our life.”
And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, “Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here; see the place where they laid him. (Mark 16:5-6)
Be glad. He is risen. Happy Easter To All.

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Happy Easter to you and yours, Jim!
Not only has He risen, there was a beautiful sunrise on the first day of a brand new week!
Be well! Winni
Jim, may you and all those dear to you have the JOY in your hearts of the risen Savior,King,Master,Lord Jesus this Easter and everyday. :)=^..^=
I leave with you a reflection on the meaning of Easter from my blog, "Anne's POWER SURGE Blog, Called: The Passion/Resurection Of The Christ: THE GREATEST CHAMPIONSHIP
Jim May the Lord bless you and his countanance fall upon you. Today as a united body in Christ we celibrate His reserection. But each day we need to give thanks to God for His sacrafice, for He sacraficed His Son for our salvation. So when we go to sleep this night, we need to thank Him and ask Him what he wants us todo tommaro. God Bless You Jim and Happy Easter
Happy Easter to all
God bless
Sal C
Easter is a time to reflect and renew ourselves. Anything is possible when we have Jesus within us, he is our teacher, our mentor, our savior, what more could we ask for. Through Jesus we know God for he is of God and of all things.
I took the time today to see and admire the littlest of God's creations, sprouting their newness through recently thawed earth, in all their glory they rejoiced spring, Easter. If such tiny creations can beat all odds of surviving frozen earth for months and come forth in Jesus' glory, alleluia – we can do it too.
We struggle daily with all the world's problems and now all our countries problems and forget that with God in our lives we can and will accomplish whatever we focus on. Good shall always prevail till the end of time, evil does not have a chance. Jesus proved this to us. Today we must reflect upon this and know this. With Jesus he teaches us what we sometimes forget, to let go and let God —— Let us go forth from this day, with God as our leader, marching forward to America's We the People victory.