On Wednesday evening, the President appeared on NBC to respond to the outcry of people who have now learned that they can keep neither their doctor nor their private insurance under Obamacare. Let me remind you what the President said on Wednesday.
Back on Oct. 14 and Oct. 16, I wrote about the EBT debacle in Louisiana where a bunch of SNAP enrollees stole thousands of dollars of food from local Walmarts during a social media driven hoarding event. They may not have to pay up, but they might be held accountable.
The real question here … Who is responsible and who will be held responsible? An independent investigation confirmed student test answers were altered at Betances School in Hartford to improve test scores. The cheaters altered the answers and were so greedy they got caught.
Waste and abuse? Just a little bit here and there. After a review of one-in-four Medicaid enrollees in Illinois, so far 25 percent of the total number of enrollees in the program were not eligible and have been kicked off.
Bill Whittle is my Federalism hero. Don’t worry about the Common Core details, you just need to know one. The federal government’s Department of Education is creating common guidelines and standards for every school that gets federal dollars. They must follow that curriculum or funding levels are cut.
What an ingenious revenue-generating idea! Politicians are loaning their own campaign money and letting the cash sit in campaign coffers at an interest rate MUCH higher than bank rates. The politicians collect the interest and keep it for themselves, allowing for an ongoing money-laundering scheme.
So much for the settled law theory. Since it has not been politically wise to change existing immigration laws during the last decade, the Executive Branch along with support from Democrat-controlled big city mayors, have been quietly telling immigration and border protection line officers to “not be all that concerned” if they run into any…
After trashing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for months, Senate Democrats who happen to be up for election in November 2014 are starting to openly call for an extension for open enrollment due to the Obamacare registration problems.
I had a conversation with a few people at the onset of the federal government partial shutdown and let them know many federal employees would qualify for unemployment depending on the state. Some said I was wrong – and still won’t admit I was right – but now we learn the at least 1,300 employees…
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was part of the leadership who brought today’s debt-ceiling legislation into play. The Republican certainly has been labeled a member of the RINO club in the past, but was he willing to fold in part for a $2 billion federal payoff?