Breaking: Four Americans including US Ambassador reported killed in Libya
Arab Fall. Radical Islamic fundamentalists showed their intolerance and hate towards America and the free people of the world again. The Embassy in Cairo was infiltrated, and four Americans at the Libyan Embassy were killed after a movie – of unknown origin – was rumored to insult Muhammad. These rumors give rise to direct attacks on the United States of America.
Who wants to lay cash down on the bet that not one of the protestors in Cairo or murderers in Libya even saw the movie’s trailer?
A brief recap from the UK Guardian.
Protesters – believed to be mainly Islamists – stormed the US embassy in Cairo last night, climbing the walls and hoisting a flag with an Islamic inscription. They were protesting against an obscure Islamophobic film produced in the United States. An extract from the film had been posted on the internet.
Armed militants in Libya, apparently prompted by the Egyptian protest, then attacked the US consulate in Benghazi, setting it on fire. One American was killed during that attack.
Latest information from our correspondent in Libya is that the US ambassador, Chris Stevens, went to the consulate this morning to inspect the damage. His car was reportedly attacked, killing him and two bodyguards.
The United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in a rocket attack on the American Consulate in the city of Benghazi on Tuesday, a contractor working at the mission said Wednesday after seeing Stevens’ body.
Three American security staff were also killed, said the contractor, who asked not to be named for security reasons.
He said he saw all four bodies on the street Wednesday morning. The bodies are now in the Central Hospital in Benghazi, he said.
Libyan Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur appeared to confirm that the envoy had been killed, saying that Stevens was “a friend of Libya, and we are shocked at the the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.”
Saying or doing just about anything, anywhere, that can be construed as “offensive” to Muslims who have been radicalized now results in direct attacks on American diplomats overseas. The US Embassy in Cairo actually apologized and we’re seeing total amateur hour at the State Department and the Executive Branch again. This was the direct statement – still on the State Department website as of 7:40 a.m. ET. – after the breach over the wall at the US Embassy in Cairo.
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
Politico got a response from the Obama administration last night about 10 p.m. ET. My emphasis.
The Obama administration is disavowing a statement from its own Cairo embassy that seemed to apologize for anti-Muslim activity in the United States.
“The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government,” an administration official told POLITICO.
Does not reflect the views of the United States government? Read the statement – which was a totally inappropriate response to the breach on the Cairo embassy – and tell me this is not another perfect example of amateur hour from the Obama administration … more than three years after they started.

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Is there a way that the Obama Administration could suppress media attention on this incident and focus back on the Romney/Ryan campaign?? This must be really bothersome to the Obama Administration having to deal with this foreign stuff happening in remote areas of the world, especially places with difficult names to pronounce.
What’s happening in WI today?? Obama is heading in there to bring up his poll numbers?? Now THAT is news.
Why are we giving these less-than-animals any support, especially financial?? Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq???? Dump them all.? Hope President Romney does this immediately, with?strong increase of our military power, letting them know that any more of this crap will be instantly dealt with – no more of this “I want to be liked by the world” and “Can’t we all get along?” nonsense.
$1.3 billion to the Muzzy Bros.? Nice, huh?? Time to cut that ASAP.? Give the money to Isreal.
Ben, good point by the way 🙂
On Lou Dobbs, John Bolton and Judith Miller discuss it
This is? an attack on the United States?on the anniversary of 9/11. The response by the State Department and no clarification of the response by President Empty Chair speaks volumes along with the snubbing ?BB Netanyahu. The issues that I’m concerned about is that the president is advised by Valerie Jarret (Born in Iran to American parents) Hillary Clintons top aid?Huma Abedin (ties to muslim brotherhood) the optics just don’t look good.? I’m not feeling safe these days time for a change.
Oh, and some Muslims are insulted that the pope called the religion violent?????? Can’t imagine where he got that idea.?
Where are the Marines?
Indeed, where are they?
Joe, EXACTLY.? They are supposed to be protecting every embassy and surely would h ave been accompanying the Ambassador UNLESS, could it be, they were “laid off”????? Or perhaps we didn’t want to insult Libya and Egypt by having them in the embassies????? Weird.
Whatever the excuse the Muslims cited, it was really the date. September 11th was the impetus for these savages to violate our consulate and murder Americans. 9/11 is enough of a reason for these mobsters to kill Americans. These rioters are beneath contempt.
Our Muslim-loving president will wind up blaming the US for this attack.? Then he will apologize. He totally lacks spine. Absolutely no cashews. He should go make friends with these cretins.
This would be a perfect opportunity to cancel all foreign aid to Egypt and Libya. Cancel any aid to any country that attacks our embassies, consulates, missions or personnel. Take our money and act in any way disrespectfully? Canceled!! Period. And, take our people out of there.
Prove and verify that they are America’s unconditional friend and ally. Until then, no more money! No more “foreign relations.”
Continued funding comes with the wrist slap.
Meanwhile, Isreal is snubbed by the oh so busy ??bama.
Obama has tee times already arranged.
Seriously, this is what the omission of Jerusalem and God (from the Democrat party platform) is all about. He is positioned to prevaricate.
How can Obama claim to have killed bin Laden and still expect to be loved by the Muslim world?
Had to listen to Clinton and emptychair say that the libyans helped bring the ambassador to the hospital what kind of crap are they spinning
It is the Carter hostage crisis all over again.
Rinomney can respond like Reagan? with” Nothing like this will happen on my watch & to prove it I hereby declare that Iran will not get the bomb. My first act will be to destroy all nuclear facilities in that country unless the Mullahs do it first under our supervision”.
How is it that, after all that has happened, that security isn’t heightened at our embassies? so that such things do not happen?? If I want to fly, I get treated like a new inmate being processed- all to make me feel more “secure” yet deep in the heart of radical Islamist territory we do not situate ourselves to immediately respond to such attacks?
Barry is in way over his head – being driven solely by his liberal/progressive/socialist indoctinated “beliefs” that have no real world bearing on international relations.? Empty suits can only issue empty threats.
My response previous to this one is “awaiting moderation” which means it will not be shown. It in no way infringes on the rules set up for this blog. If it is not shown I am gone.?
Do you really think I have someone sitting here reviewing every comment and holding it in moderation before we read and approve it? You’ll notice it was held in moderation immediately, and a computer algorithm made the decision. Don’t ask me why, and don’t ever suggest our team has “censored” you or you won’t have to worry about leaving on your own accord. Take this time to read the rules and FAQs for the blog, which you imply you have reviewed. Directly from our Terms of Use updated in Feb. 2011. “Don?t freak out if your comment is held for moderation. Computers take care of the first review and they may be a bit strict. We don?t always have the time to approve your comment right away. Some of our own comments have been mysteriously held for moderation.”
we’ve all had posts held for moderation, no big deal
Beats me. You see the post.? It is innocuous. But I have had numerous posts vanish with from what I could tell are absolutely not related to the rules (which I have read at least twice). If the account is set up with some draconian “computer algorithm” then it is defacto censoring posts.? Having said that, if this is purely robotic in nature, my sincere apologies to you.
@RoBrDona: I don’t think you get it, read the TOU and the FAQ again. If you use the term “censor” one more time, you’ll be asked to leave. If you read the TOU and the FAQ you’ll note only the government can “censor” by definition. We’ll delete and block whoever we want, it’s our house, and up to this point not one of your comments have been deleted or blocked. Also none of them have “vanished.” I’m calling you out on that … total bull. Never happened. The WordPress system and the Akismet spam tool is not “draconian” at all. By saying “if this is purely robotic” in nature, you’re suggesting I could be lying since that’s exactly what I said in my comment.
I’m going to ask you to send an email to us through the contact form if you think you see something “disappear.” Our system shows in the past year, there has been about 10,000 comments, and 10 of them were marked as false positives and 10 were really spam. That’s pretty darn good, nothing from you is in there at all. (False positives do not include the items held in moderation, of which there are quite a few every week.)
In short, there are a bunch of systems including your computer, browser, Internet connection, and ISP network issues that could cause an issue for you … my house is good.
By the way, you switching to Hotmail for your email account won’t help you in the future, as Akismet knows a significant amount of spam comes from free email addresses like Hotmail.
Also note, the moderation review is not exclusive to text content. The system looks at your IP address (all of it and part of it), your email address, posting frequency, and in all HUNDREDS of tests before it gives the thumbs up or down.
Nope not bull. I have had at least two that I directly remember were erased. As I am now being called a liar and a spammer I am gone.
Happens to me all the time. Welcome to the club!
What ever happened to the muslim outreach program that emptychair assigned to NASA
I think we are being strangled by “Muslim outreach”…
I mourn the death of a United States Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens and send condolences to his family. ?Simply said, we need a new president, one who will put the safety of all Americans first rather than worrying about hurt feelings in other countries.
Shades of Jimmy Carter,when the USA is looked upon as weak every piece of guvna out there thinks nothing of attacking American territory or American citizens & the host country forgets to defend as per the International Agreement. Libya may be forgiven but not Egypt. Pull all our people out along with all aid.
A thought occured to me if obamas campaign is going around and claiming the credit for Bin Laden doesn’t the blame for these deaths fall on him??
It is not a stretch to say this is a direct result of the Obama Regime’s policies.
He has always been weak on foreign policy and has a definite soft spot for Muslims. Except, of course, those killed to further his hold on power.
Soft spot in the head perhaps but I don’t necessarily buy into true weakness.? It all seems calculated to me… one face being appeasement then the convention face- bragging about killing OBL- clearly his handlers must be mindful of the thought process driving extremism- which was behind the chants “Obama: we are all Osamas now!” at the recent protests in Yemen- but we’re supposed to buy into the “offensive movie” excuse- which furnishes convenient bonus justification for supporting heavier censorship..
This says it all