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I will NEVER forget this day for the rest of my life. God Bless the memories of those who died, those whom were left behind, our heroic first responders and armed forces people and America.
Thanks for the first responders that day and everyday until their job was done. Thanks to the military, CIA, Navy Seals and all other elite troops who keep us safe every day. ?Let us hope we never become complacent to the lessons learned on 9/11.
I knew the world had changed by noon & by evening wanted to make it a change for the better. Things move slow in the big world but move they must & the dust still has not settled.
It’s as though it happens all over again every year in my heart. I feel the same feeling I felt that day as I watched the horror unfold on?TV.?
I live in the area of Bradley International. Planes flying over my head had been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I was so used to it that most of the time I didn’t even notice them coming and going.
That night?there were no planes flying. The silence was deafening. It was such a strange feeling to realize how much more I noticed the silence, than I had?ever noticed the noise when the planes?were flying. I desperately wanted to hear something normal- a plane flying. That would have meant?that things were OK- but the silence remained for many days. Things were not OK.?That day changed everything. ????
If I could express myself as eloquently as the responses above, I would…the thoughts above reflect my thoughts,,. and Cherwin, the lack of air traffic was such an eerie thing that I’ll always remember. I didn’t lose any personal friends, but two of the victims of the PA flight I saw at Lime Rock all the time. This tragedy touched every American one way or another. We will NEVER forget…