Culture of corruption: Menendez and free private jet rides to Dominican Republic
What scum. And let me point out if this guy was a Republican I’d be calling him scum too. These are the benefits you get from “friends” when you’re a United States senator. Pure corruption.
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) needs to resign immediately. As soon as he caught wind the FBI was looking into allegations Menendez paid under-aged girls for sex in the Dominican Republic – which he has denied – he somehow remembered he owed $60,000 to a “friend” for a few private jet rides to the island.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Ried (D-Nev.) has been quiet so far, but if this was a Republican you can bet the media and Ried would be calling for their head.
Menendez came out yesterday and through a spokesperson let everyone know the private jet trips “have been paid for and reported appropriately.” Of course what the spokesperson did not tell us is that the flights were three years ago and he just paid for them within the last few weeks.
New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez has written a personal check of $58,000 to reimburse a donor for two round-trip flights he took on a private jet to the Dominican Republic.
Menendez’s office said Thursday the three-year delay in paying for the plane trips with fundraiser and friend Dr. Salomen Melgen was an “oversight.”
“This was sloppy,” Dan O’Brien, Menendez’ chief of staff, told NBC News about the senator’s failure to pay for the 2010 flights at the time. “I’m chalking it up to an oversight.”
Oversight my ass. This is what Menendez thinks he deserves since he’s a United States senator. This is the culture of corruption – a phrase penned by Michelle Malkin – and this is another example of a Symptom of the Disease. Menendez and his staff are outright lying to you.
Ed Morrissey from Hot Air…
This comes at a particularly sensitive time, as Menendez is slated to take over for John Kerry as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Yeah? The Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Hell no. Kick his ass out of the Senate TODAY.

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Gives brand new meaning to the phrase “foreign relations”
Or “In God we trust” turning into “in flagrante delicto”?? 😉
For Republicans, the type of activity (or considerably less) would be the basis for countless stories on the mainstream media.? For Democrats, it is resume enhancement.? Note for the record the fact that ABC had Menendez on for an interview and the topic NEVER came up.
Imagine if that had been a Republican…
Ha, don’t forget the SENATE ?part.
We should be surprised??
Equal justice under law except for politician who are above the law. Or exempted from the laws.
I just wish the slimy pervert wasn’t one of the gang of eight. It discredits the work done for the proposed immigration bill. Which, by the way, I approve, even though, I am probably in the minority here in RVO land.
That’s O.K.
I just object to all of the immigration emphasis as it detracts from discussion on the massive unemployment, under employment, job creation and protecting the jobs that are still in the US.
Couldn’t this guy be deported to some Arab country where the punishment for fornicating with a 14-year old . . . oh, never mind.
He does not deserve to be in the Senate.
If this guy is guilty, which is sure looks as though that is the case, he is an embarrassment to the Senate, to the state and to the country. Hopefully, New Jersey will hold a recall vote. Maybe Christie will can get that started.
I’m not surprised that the Democrats have not moved against this guy.
I think that if he did fornicate with underage girls in a foreign country, the odds are that he did the same thing here. If the media would look hard enough, I am sure they would find prostitutes, mob figures, common criminals, and little boys and girls who are connected with this vulgar thing. Isn’t this guy married with children?
Nothing quite spells skunk like D-e-m-o-c-r-a-t.
You can’t spell Democrat without spelling, er, smelling a rat.
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