Evil school loan lenders versus the schools with all the money
On a pretty regular basis during the last few years, we’ve seen stories concerning “outrageous” student loan rates and “unbearably-high” student loan principal amounts. The target is almost always the evil private student loan industrial complex and the employers who just won’t pay these kids enough money to pay off their loans. Should they direct their…
Read MoreWFSB skips important facts in Long Beach, Calif. shooting incident
Just watching WFSB News at about 5:40 p.m. ET and Denise D’Ascenzo was reporting on the home invasion and shooting death of a criminal intruder, a “pregnant” 28-year-old woman in Long Beach, Calif. The video report excluded important facts.
Read MoreKrauthammer on Hobby Lobby – Media lies will help Democrats
Yup. Charles Krauthammer is right. I’m not sure that I have ever seen such wide-spread media bias in my lifetime. The 16 news headlines and ledes I documented on Monday were just the tip of the iceberg, and the faithful are swallowing the meme whole … the mean guys on the Supreme Court are taking…
Read MoreHillary Clinton lies about Hobby Lobby SCOTUS ruling
Here is the full, in-context video of which Jim featured portions of on the big radio show today.
Read MoreProp 8 supporter information was not leaked by IRS
I just noticed Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit references a post at PJ Media, First Things and other sites suggesting the donation information concerning Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich in support of Proposition 8 in California back in 2008. The implication the information was leaked by the government is totally wrong.
Read MoreWhat’s wrong with solar power?
Every now and then a newspaper headline causes a double take. The following quote appeared on page 1 of today’s Orlando Sentinel directing the reader to an article in the business section.
Read MoreSo what was in Arizona’s SB 1062 “Anti-Gay” bill?
Have you read the Arizona “anti-gay” bill? I learned the bill was a total of two pages, so I figured I would go and read the legislation. I’m not going to copy and paste it here since it would take me 20 minutes to format it properly, so click here, read the legislation and come right…
Read MoreConservatives should not feel left out – you’re still the majority
I’ve mentioned the GWU Battleground Poll in the past and was recently wondering when the last time it was referenced here at RVO. Turns out that was more than three years ago! Time flies, but the most recent poll was done in Dec. 2012.
Read MorePress still referring to Zimmerman – Martin as a “Stand Your Ground” case
Don’t believe anything you read online. Heck, don’t even believe the stuff I write. The press and gun-control activists keep harping on Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws in various states. They are fixated on it, referring to specific cases as “clear problems” with the law when those examples have nothing to do with SYG.
Read MoreBill Whittle: It’s called journalism!
Nuff said. Watch the video.
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