Call him “schmoozer in chief.”

Not sure why I am posting this other than to say, remember what they did to Sarah Palin being a hick, or the jokes made about George Bush being stupid, or … well you get the idea. It seems when a liberal Democrat continually puts his foot in his mouth he’s … well … you know, charming.

Stahl asked if he was worried about doing an interview for 60 Minutes. “It’s not you I’m afraid of,” Biden replied. “It’s me!!” 

But everyone 60 Minutesspoke to at the White House said they don’t want him to change. 

“The president and the entire team close to him has encouraged me not to try all of a sudden to be a different Joe Biden than I was for the past 36 years,” Biden told Stahl. “Sometimes maybe I shouldn’t be as straightforward as I am. …I’m not sitting on it. I decided I just – it’s who I am.”     

After trying to muzzle the man often ridiculed for his loose lips, the White House now calls his – shall we say exuberance – an asset. They call it “truth telling.” 

Truth telling. Hmmm. Like the FDR analogy, or the “shot at in Iraq” story, or the 7/11 comment, or the “I know the role of the Vice President” debate comment, or the … well you get the idea. The relevant portions come right at the top. But make sure you watch through 3:30 where you get to see the Biden office which is “smaller than my Senate office”. Nice digs for a “PUBLIC SERVANT.”

The very short segment on his gaffes comes at 6:28 but its pretty much a puffapalooza!

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Jim Vicevich

Jim is a veteran broadcaster and conservative/libertarian blogger with more than 25 years experience in TV and radio. Jim's was the long-term host of The Jim Vicevich Show on WTIC 1080 in Hartford from 2004 through 2019. Prior to radio, Jim worked as a business and financial reporter for NBC30 - the NBC owned TV station in Hartford - and as business editor at WFSB-TV in Hartford for 14 years while earning six Emmy nominations and three Telly Awards.


  1. Dimsdale on April 28, 2009 at 2:56 am

    It is the classic case of a using someone dopey to make yourself look better.  Too bad they had to dig so deep to find Slow Joe.

    More proof of the shallowness of the young president.

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