Articles posted by
David Wilson
Do as we say, not as we do. Apparently, is the credo of David Brock over at Media Matters when it comes to carrying a pistol for self-defense.
And it’s not the kind of news that Al Gore, or his wallet, will welcome.Apparently sunshine is the cause of global warming. (H/T James Delingpole)
In times of recession and economic stress, one approach to addressing said stress would be to relax those regulations that impede or hinder economic growth. You’d think the President, or at least his advisors, would know this, right?
… on the Empire State? Apparently, people don’t love New York, which is entering its second decade of shrinking population. The population loss is “the ultimate barometer of New York’s attractiveness as a place to work, live and do business,” the report’s co-author, E.J. McMahon, said. “It’s the ultimate indication that we’ve been doing things…
Wonder why President Obama isn’t doing more on the topic of gun control?
There’s an old joke about how snakes don’t bite lawyers out of professional courtesy. But tax cheats?
There have been all sorts of work rules, but I don’t think I’ve heard of anything like this… “The city’s Health Department is going on a diet. No deep-fried foods served at agency lunches. No cookies and cakes at the same time. And no beverages over 25 calories per ounce: Those are all part of…
Apparently, Government Motors needs just a little more help…Yet another astounding attempt at social engineering … or just another lifeline for GM?
… you get something like this: Foes of illegal immigration are up in arms over plans for a weekend disaster exercise in western Iowa with a fictitious scenario in which young white supremacists shoot dozens of people amid rising tensions involving racial minorities and illegal immigrants. The exercise is planned for Saturday at Treynor High…