Articles posted by

Barbara Vicevich

Denmark axes “fat tax”

By SoundOffSister / November 18, 2012 /

About a year ago Denmark enacted a tax on “fatty foods”, allegedly in response to the growing number of obese Danes.  Here is how the tax worked.

Obamacare wipes out Obama’s sought after tax increases

By SoundOffSister / November 16, 2012 /

Our annual deficit has been running in excess of $1 trillion per year over the last 4 years.  Our President has now demanded tax increases of $160 billion per year, from the “rich” to off set that deficit. 

The damsel in distress du jour

By SoundOffSister / November 14, 2012 /

At one of his rare press conferences, today President Obama rode to the rescue of UN Ambassador, Susan Rice.  Let’s put this in perspective.

President Obama’s mandate

By SoundOffSister / November 14, 2012 /

Shortly after his reelection, President Obama told America that he had just received a mandate from voters to implement his policies.  But, here is some information that you will never hear from the main stream media.  In reality, the President’s mandate is about 330,000 votes.

Obama doubles down on tax increases

By SoundOffSister / November 14, 2012 /

We told you on Monday that eliminating the Bush tax cuts for individuals making more than $200,000 per year, as demanded by the President, would theoretically raise $82 billion in revenue per year.  (More on that point later)  Today we learned that the President wants more.

I’m willing to compromise…

By SoundOffSister / November 13, 2012 /

…but I will not sign any legislation that does not raise taxes on the rich.  That is the President’s position as affirmed today by his press secretary, Jay Carney.

Our “unpatriotic” deficit

By SoundOffSister / November 12, 2012 /

Do any of you remember President Obama’s 2008 campaign wherein he called President Bush unpatriotic for the amount of Bush’s annual deficit, and, wherein, he further, pledged to cut that annual deficit in half?

To our veterans

By SoundOffSister / November 11, 2012 /

We published this  2 years ago.  Our feelings are the same today as they were then.

Voter turnout

By SoundOffSister / November 8, 2012 /

Although the number crunchers haven’t finalized everything from Tuesday’s election, one statistic glares at us…voter turnout is considerably below previous turnouts.

Tuesday’s choice

By SoundOffSister / November 4, 2012 /

My local newspaper runs a column fron Charles Krauthammer every Sunday.  Perhaps you have read it in your newspaper, but, if you haven’t, it is worth reading whatever your political persuasion is.  Here it is in its entirety.