The case against public worker unions – Video of NYC Sanitation slowdown

This has been one of the big causes of Fox New Radio host John Gibson, and may I say with good reason. Charges were made last week that NYC Sanitation workers staged a slowdown during the blizzard, leaving streets unplowed and generally causing chaos. That investigation continues now with video obtained by our sister station in NYC, CBS 2, as the evidence continues to mount that union supervisors orchestrated the slowdown as a protest to proposed salary and labor cuts. Is it time to outlaw public worker unions?

Two videos for you. First up the original charge made by New York City Councilman Dan Halloran. He made the charges on the Fox show “Your World”. It was he said, part of a job action against the City for proposed cuts in Sanitation staff and supervisors. Unreal.


The story first broke on Dec 30th at the NY Post:

“They sent a message to the rest of the city that these particular labor issues are more important,” said City Councilman Dan Halloran (R-Queens), who was visited yesterday by a group of guilt-ridden sanitation workers who confessed the shameless plot.

Halloran said he met with three plow workers from the Sanitation Department — and two Department of Transportation supervisors who were on loan — at his office after he was flooded with irate calls from constituents.

Then yesterday CBS 2 obtained video that appears to show that there were some workers “asleep at the switch”. The question is really one of how wide spread this is.

If you head over to HOT AIR there are links to a couple more stories, and the real tragedy behind all of this. As Gibson says it’s time to end public worker unions. Job actions like this are unacceptable.

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Jim Vicevich

Jim is a veteran broadcaster and conservative/libertarian blogger with more than 25 years experience in TV and radio. Jim's was the long-term host of The Jim Vicevich Show on WTIC 1080 in Hartford from 2004 through 2019. Prior to radio, Jim worked as a business and financial reporter for NBC30 - the NBC owned TV station in Hartford - and as business editor at WFSB-TV in Hartford for 14 years while earning six Emmy nominations and three Telly Awards.


  1. Dimsdale on January 4, 2011 at 4:56 am

    Is there any more effective Teflon suit than membership in a public employee union?


    If it was my baby or grandmother that died, I would be all over the city and unions with lawsuits.

  2. steve418r on January 4, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    We all know that the public service union workers are totally above reproach. They are all sitting at home laughing because they know there isn't anything anyone can do to them.

    Actually, there was a secondary reason for the lack of interest in cleaning up right after the storm. Due to the excessive amounts of snow and garbage left to clean up, they had to work over the holiday weekend. Imagine the paychecks they will receive when they have holiday and weekend overtime pay included in them!! Can you say…JACKPOT!!?

  3. Lynn on January 5, 2011 at 3:16 am

    Logic would dictate that public sector jobs should not have Unions. Does anyone think that Government is logical? In private sector you are paid based on the quality of work or the business does not make money …. Simple. However, public sector has unlimited money. Yours and mine. What do you do when the public sector outnumbers the private? you go broke, like Connecticut. Look to Europe to see about Union shutdowns, does anyone think we in the States are immune?

  4. winnie888 on January 5, 2011 at 3:28 am

    This is simply appalling.  For what the people in NY pay in taxes they should be outraged.  If this isn't a case against public worker unions, I don't know what would be.  Two people dead because of this subversive action by the sanitation workers and I don't care how many suicides were prevented because of the garbage pile up due to the uncleared snow.  It won't bring that grandmother and that newborn baby back.  Will a lesson be learned?  hmmmmm…somehow, I don't think so.

  5. NH-Jim on January 5, 2011 at 4:32 am

    How much do we predict the city of New York will now pay out in settlement of the lawsuits?  Obviously, the deaths of the elderly woman and a new born child are just the beginning.  The settlements should be paid out of the pockets of the unions and city workers who orchestrated this act of defiance.  If these same services were provided by a private company, just imagine the payout it would incur from such actions.

    Let's take a page out of Pres. Reagan's playbook and fire all these hustlers.  Lessons need to be taught!


    The time is now to bring all forms of government to bear responsibility for their actions.

  6. XXViking on January 5, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    Amen, NH-Jim!

  7. DanC on January 6, 2011 at 3:55 am

    I am a Teamster in a privately run company. We work are butts off and are proud of the production we put out. Public sector employees are an embarrassant.

  8. Tim-in-Alabama on January 6, 2011 at 4:03 am

    I'm beginning to think returning to a patronage system for government jobs would be superior to a civil service system. If workers don't do their jobs, their bosses don't get re-elected, and they face getting fired when the new administration takes over.

NYC Sanitation truck

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