Why are people leaving California, and, who are they?

We did a post recently about the problems of the California pension system.  That prompted a somewhat lively discussion in the comments section about the population of California.  Thanks to those comments, I was reminded of an article I read several months ago that is “exactly on point”, as we lawyers say.

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Economic Roundup … and the news ain’t good.

I know, I know … the recession is over. But somehow statistical confirmation is outweighed by friends and family who still can’t find jobs, and 9.7% unemployment (new figures come out this week ) is hardly reassuring. I can assure you Wall Street is worried. Predicting economic direction is tricky business .. especially now. I…

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Houston drops idea to pay off personal debt

A proposal to hand out $3,000 to individuals who did not have  good enough credit score to qualify for mortgages has been crossed off the Houston city council agenda this week. The idea was to use the $3,000 to help individuals improve their credit score by a few points so they would qualify to buy…

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Thomas Sowell On The Housing Crisis

Thomas Sowell is a very bright man with uncommon common sense. A guest on my show only once (he is very tough to nail down), a free market thinker he does a great job of tracing the root cause of the current financial crisis, an even if you are one to believe that “greedy bankers”…

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